Five Reasons Why You Need to Clean Your ATM Today

Cleaning pick wheels, belts, and other surface areas of ATMs are crucial to making sure they work efficiently. The benefits of cleaning your ATM regularly include:

  • Maintaining high uptime rates
  • Improving customer experience
  • Decreasing transaction time
  • Reducing cost and service calls
  • Maintaining hassle free revenue streams

To ensure that you are cleaning your ATM properly make sure you pick up swabs from Swab-its®. These durable, lint-free foam swabs are perfect for cleaning the inner components of your ATM. We offer a variety of different foam swabs make certain that you will find the ideal swab for the job. Our individually packaged swabs that contain 99% isopropyl alcohol are necessary for cleaning the outer surfaces of the ATM.

Atm cleaningSpring cleaning

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